Scheduling one-on-ones with people.

So we’re about one month in from going live on this block association idea and what have we learned? First, clear Scotch packing tape, when applied to a flyer and a lamp post, is remarkably durable and may even survive a blizzard in New York. And second, it is much easier to gather a bunch of people around a pool than it is to get them to jump in.

So I’ve been thinking of ways to try to encourage others, particularly those already on the mailing list, to jump in or at least put their toe in with me here. Then I realized that oftentimes the best ideas are the simplest ones, and the simplest idea may just be for me to meet some people one-on-one.

I’ve already met with a few of you, some over Zoom and some at the outdoor patio at Il Piccolo on 28th & 10th, which has a roof and heat lamps. But I’d like to extend the offer to the broader group as well. If you have ideas about the block, ideas about yourself, or ideas about life in general, let me know if you’d like to spend a few minutes talking about it in the next two weeks. My work comes in waves and I’m sure everyone else is busy as well, but what I’m proposing here is not that much different than the mid-day coffee breaks that we all used to do on the regular.

Also, the home page contains some new short posts that are not sent out to the group—check it out if you haven’t been here for a while. My hope is that the home page becomes as collective as possible, so let me know if you want to write in with a little contribution (When a house page becomes a home page. — High Line 28 Block Association). It is as easy as writing a Yelp review.

Have a good weekend.


Losing perspective and the bylaws.


When a house page becomes a home page.