Smokers, dog walkers, and going digital

Any self-respecting New York City resident will inform you that, first, they are extremely busy and, second, the cornerstone of any successful block association is smokers and dog walkers. And so last week I was able to find some time in my packed schedule to post some flyers around that evidently had the effect of gathering all of the smokers and dog walkers on the block into a single emailing list that now has about 50 residents on it. Thank you to those who signed up for being a part of this. Perhaps we can repay the goodwill by at some point petitioning Community Board 4 for a dog run (or a smoker’s run?) in Chelsea Park. (Thank you for the suggestion, Jim).

Our handwritten start aside, I’m increasingly coming around to the idea that computers and emails are having a bit of a moment right now. So I’m currently considering the best ways we can go digital and reach block residents via email or the internet. Please write in or post if you have any suggestions on this front. The most direct route may simply be to reach out to a contact for each building on the block, e.g., the leasing office, and see if they would be willing to send a short email out to their residents that contains a link to this website.

Also, we will probably have a short introductory Zoom meeting in the near future, perhaps next weekend. Stay tuned for that.

Have a good Monday. Remember that the time from Saturday to Sunday is the same from Monday to Tuesday.


There is no angle.


Limiting exposure to save face, and humans of the block