Introductory Zoom meeting this Saturday, February 6, at 10am.

We will have an introductory Zoom meeting this Saturday, February 6, 2021, at 10am. The link is below. It will last 30 minutes to an hour. Ideally I will make a few introductory remarks and then just turn it over to others to introduce themselves. This is going to be light, informal, and unstructured—I am serious when I say that I think of this more as a social club that occasionally does something productive rather than a grievance committee for which you feel like you have to put pants on, get the lighting right, and lock your kids out of the room.

If you plan on attending and intend to introduce yourself, it would be helpful just for planning purposes if you could send me an email saying so. We have a steadily growing number of people on the emailing list at this point, and if 30 people will introduce themselves and say a little something, I’ll have to fill way less space than if 5 people introduce themselves and say a little something. I encourage you to give me less space to fill, though if you don’t feel like talking, that’s cool too.

I’m also happy to report that Google has picked up this website if you perform a reasonable search. So we are now well on our way towards going fully corporate, tossing out all our core principles, and focusing primarily on maximizing value for shareholders.

I will post the Zoom link on the front page and try sending a calendar invite around to the emailing list as well. See you there.


Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 824 5091 8591

Passcode: 569573


Possible change in plans for introductory meeting: What time this weekend works for you (poll)?


There is no angle.