Guest post: “Edit Your Life” by Sue Rae.
We have a guest post this week from block resident Sue Rae, who owns a business called Sorted by Sue and who I can tell you is lovely in person. Above are some before and afters of Sue’s work. I’ll let Sue take it away below.
Post you missed this week: You should probably read this article on how the super wealthy are taxed in our country.
“Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly, it’s your masterpiece after all.”
-Nathan W Morris.
Many years ago I was working at Google and was so stressed out I took a much needed 3-month sabbatical. I flew to Asia to spend 10 weeks exploring distant lands only to stumble across Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” during my final week. I voraciously read the book and was ready to transform my life.
With claims such as “tidying up will have a ripple effect on all other areas of your life including productivity and personal wellbeing” I was ready to feel the magic.
On arriving back to my apartment with just my suitcase and backpack I realized just how much stuff I had accumulated over the years that I rarely used and some things I didn’t even really like...but they were in my apartment and not paying rent! Travelling lightly really shows you want you need vs want and how adaptable you are.
It was time for the big ruthless edit. I followed Marie’s program and was surprised how easy it was to let things go that either I didn't absolutely LOVE or USE FREQUENTLY.
After the edit I put everything back and was shocked at how much space I had created. A huge sense of accomplishment rushed in as well as the created space and subsequent lightness - I felt like I’d just lost 10lbs. The weight of the objects was subconsciously weighing me down!
Goodwill made out like a bandit on that day. The funny thing is I don’t miss any of the stuff I let go of.
After a few months I quit Google to help others achieve this apartment nirvana bliss state. My parents thought I was mad as a hatter.... “why are you giving up your job at Google to clean people's houses?” they asked. “It’s not cleaning; it’s magically transforming” was my proud reply.
As New Yorkers, we live in small spaces and, with the pandemic, we have spent more time in our homes than ever before in recent months. With the advent of online frictionless shopping (hello, Amazon!) it’s easy to gunk up your home with stuff. So rather than buy more containers to put your stuff in, I highly recommend a ruthless edit of your life. I promise you will love it and you’ll feel the ripple effect for yourself in time for summer.
I truly believe your home should support you in all aspects of your life. Somewhere special to come home to, relax and have your space nurture you.
If you are curious to know more, please check out and claim your complimentary 30 minute video consultation to see how we can help you elevate your life and your home.
-Sue, 28th & 10th